понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

bason computer

When�I�saw Sarah, Asta, and Jess, it reminded me how much I�miss living with them. It reminded me of how removed Iapos;ve been from everyone else, since I�started RLS. Another moment was when one of my students came up to me and Lisa tonight and asked if either of us had any TV DVDapos;s. I�told her I�had Dead Like Me, and she was�like, "Oh... Ummm, Iapos;ve never heard of that. Kay well thanks, see ya." As silly as it is to define my relationships in terms of what we all used to watch last year, it just reminded me of how distant I�am from these people I�live with. Theyapos;re all so young, love their stereos and their Rhianna, love tequila Thursdays, and Rock Band. They stay up all night, but instead of huddling in overheated rooms talking about orgasms and Pakistan or arguing about Britney Spearsapos; importance to our culture, they wrestle each other in the hall and get infected rug burn. But what makes me feel the most disconnected from them is this: I�donapos;t feel comfortable being myself around them.

If there is one benefit to living here though, I feel like Iapos;ve been spending more time with my studies (mind you, I�should be studying for a midterm right now). In my Spy Fiction seminar, I�got an 88 on my first paper. It made me feel much better, coming after the Canlit�paper from Gaultapos;s class, and all those insulting criticisms she�scrawled all over my work. Gault is dull and inept, both as a lecturer and as a judge of writing. It pains me to think she may someday�get�tenure.�Telling a student to�"go to Writing Services next time" is not teaching. Itapos;s referring. It might be okay for me as a Cluster Leader to refer students to Writing Services, but as a�professor, it is her JOB�to offer helpful commentary on how to improve an essay, accompanied with sufficient justification for the mark�given. Calling a studentapos;s writing style "obtuse" is not teaching. Itapos;s insulting, what we might jokingly refer to as "destructive criticism."�I almost feel bad about this rant, seeing as it is accompanied by no praise for my other instructors, who are some of the most engaging professors I�have�ever taken classes with. But what stimulates me right now is all this negative energy.

Iapos;m also angry with the Aggies. Like Gault, they had a right to do what they did, but it was a jackass thing to do nonetheless. GQE�painted the board by the Bullring just to advertise Queer Identities Week last night. Right after we left, they descended on it and painted over it to advertise a bar night and tractor tug. So $70 and twelve hours later, weapos;re back where we started. A complete waste of money. I heard that according to Krista, they had every right to do so because it was their board. Their board? Is that common knowledge, because it certainly wasnapos;t mine, nor was it any other member of the collective? Perhaps we wouldnapos;t have wasted this money on painting the board if someone had the queer-positive balls to come and tell us. Fuck.

I want to go home.

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